Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Today we went to Bryant's Farm to pick blueberries. Braden is completely obsessed with blueberries right now. I honestly feel like he is going to turn into a blue umpa lumpa soon if we don't cut down on the amount he consumes in a day. The whole way to the farm I told Chris that I really didn't want him to eat them right off of the bush because I would need to wash them first. :) Of course Chris thinks I need to quit being a psycho and let the poor child live. Well I didn't exactly have a choice. As soon as Braden spotted the blueberries, he not only ate them off of the bush but was eating them off of the ground too!! Sheesh! I did see many, many families eating just as many as they were picking so hopefully we won't die-ha! I will however, anticipate the lovely black poop later tonight!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

so fun! how's that poop look?