Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Holiday World

Last night at 10:30 we ("I") decided that we needed to go to Holiday World today. :) I just decided if we were going to do it at all this summer, today would be a good day because it wasn't going to be 100 degrees. The weather ended up being perfect for the rides but a bit too cold for the water. That's ok though, because by the time we made it to the water park, Braden was already crashing. We had a great time! FYI, Braden was free (2 and under) and I was half price due to being pregnant, so it was pretty cheap for the three of us to go! There really is a lot for toddlers to do too, which was nice.

Getting ready to hit the rides...Is Santa in the pink or red? I'm not sure...they look very similar!!!!!

Giving Santa a high five

The first ride of the day. Braden ran right to this and demanded the black horse. It was so strange to see him ride everything by himself without me standing with him! I have to admit, I was a little nervous because he certainly knew how to undo his seatbelt (ahhhh)! As soon as a ride would slow down or stop, he was taking off his belt and getting off. Thankfully, we brought him home in one piece. :)

On to the missles or rockets or whatever these things are...

"HEY MOM!!!!" I love that part. I could hear it every time he circled and not get sick of hearing it.

He didn't look too interested in the seahorses...not enough action

This was a seat belts and the water was freezing! I was convinced he'd want out in the middle of the pool and my big butt would be jumping in after him. He made it for quite awhile and then said, "all done" and reached for us on the side.

Driving the cars was probably his favorite thing of the day. He thought he was big stuff.

This ride was fast compared to most of the kiddie rides and he giggled the whole time! I loved watching his face.

And....a second time on the salmon.

OH MY! For all of you psycho moms out there like me...this one made me super nervous. Would you look at how little Braden looks in that seat! It doesn't even look right. :) This was a pretty fast, jerky roller coaster and I was afraid his little head would flop all over or he would bust his teeth on the bar in front of him. Again, thankfully, he came out ok and loved it....thanks to my 500 "suggestions" for Chris on how to ride this with him (put your arm around him, watch his neck, watch when it jerks to a stop). Chris LOVES my "suggestions!" Ha!

By the time we made it to the waterpark, which was about 2:30 our time, Braden was absolutely crashing... too much excitement for one day! Since the water was freezing and he was pooped, he wanted nothing to do with the waterpark so we changed back into our clothes and headed for home.

This is how he looked when we strolled to the top of the hill from the water park. He was done!!! He didn't even wake up when we put him in the car and that never happens. It must be a sign of a great day!!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

YEAH!! I am so glad you had a good time!! Sam almost fell asleep in the seahorses since it was towards the end of the day for us. ha! it was funny!

the lewis gang said...

that looks great!!!! we are heading there in the a couple of weeks! thanks for the sneak peak and glad you guys had fun! see you tomorrow!

Dan and Denise said...

We were supposed to go on Sunday, but Gabriel started running a fever on Sat. night. We still have our tickets though, and can't wait to go! Glad you guys had a great time!