Sunday, August 30, 2009

Almost ready...

What is it about your second pregnancy that has you preparing for everything at the last minute? When I was pregnant with Braden, I think I had everything washed and prepared when I had 4 months to go. This time around, we are going to be lucky to have a bag packed. Ha! This weekend we have been trying to finish up some last minute baby preparations. I am 37 weeks and the Dr. had said we'd probably induce a bit early, so I'm thinking we should be getting ready. :) We got out the infant carseat to go ahead and put in my car last night. Braden thought it was pretty funny and had to try it out himself. I can't believe he was just a little squirt at one time barely visible in this carseat. Tear! It won't be long before we have another little guy riding in it! We are getting so excited to meet him!!!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

tracy, i was sooo the same way! i started looking at other people's blog and saw them getting ready and that lit a fire under my butt! alicia was due 7 weeks after me and was further along with baby preps than i was. good luck with everything. we will keep you in our prayers!