Saturday, May 8, 2010

First T-Ball Game!

Today was Braden's first T-ball game. We are the White Sox and Braden is lucky #7. :) It was so much fun! Braden had a great time with his buddies and Chris and I had fun laughing with all of the other parents. Braden had quite the cheering crowd there today! Thanks to the grandparents that were able to come watch. Of course I took a million pictures since it was SO action packed so it was hard to pick a few. ha!

Before the game...There's little Ethan-always cheering on his big bro

Coach Damon trying to get Braden to wait...the kids were so eager to hit that the previous runner wouldn't even be home yet and they were swinging. ha!

The swing!! Can you see the ball-yep it's right there almost to the grass. :)

And he's off. He was really into running the bases today (no distracting ducks)...especially with the cheering crowd in the outfield.

Coming home

After he made it home he had to run in the outfield to get big praises from the grandparents (and occasionally a cookie that Papa T snuck him). :)

Playing defense-Throwing the ball back in

Just checking out his outfit :) Chris found these baseball pants and cleats at a yard sale this morning!

Chris & his dad trying to give Braden directions
Another run...check out Braden making sure the crowd sees him go by
"Yep, just a regular day playing some stickball."


Dan and Denise said...

Great pictures! I'm glad the game went well!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

so fun!!! he's cute in his 'uniform'!!

the lewis gang said...

yea!! i love it! we are already looking forward to next week's mayhem!!!