Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Knee surgery

Today Chris had knee surgery due to some torn cartelidge and bone chips. He's been able to walk and go about day to day things but has struggled to run, bike, or do anything that requires you to squat or things like that. The surgery went fine and he's walking around pretty good tonight. I had to take a picture of this though because I was cracking up that they literally write "yes and no" on his knees. Does a Dr. with 10 plus years of college education/ med school etc...really need the yes/no to operate on the correct knee? Well I guess I'm glad they make it clear since you hear of so many surgeries happening on the wrong side, but really? How do you like that shave job on his leg too? Ha!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...


the lewis gang said...

damon showed my that pic when you all sent it to him as a text message the other night. HILARIOUS!!!!

the lewis gang said...

damon showed my that pic when you all sent it to him as a text message the other night. HILARIOUS!!!!

Dan and Denise said...

Nice! I'm glad that they are taking precautions though.