Well if you've kept up with our boating stories in the past, you know there is always something with us!!!! Chris says it's the "Noble Curse." ha! Yesterday was no exception. Chris worked on the boat all morning getting it cleaned, dewinterized, all of that good stuff. Then he pulled it up to the gas station to fill up before we headed out. Well the tahoe would not start back up!!! (tahoe is our boat pulling truck). Stinko! We think the starter is out....soooooo Nick had to go get our boat on his trailer and pull it back to our house and then we just decided we'd drive our car to the lake and jump on their boat instead. The Thomas' boat is huge so there's plenty of room for everyone, plus Chris' truck doesn't quite have the umf to pull the boat very well long distances.
Anywhoo, the rest of the day was pretty uneventful besides a few pop up rains that we tried to outrun on the boat which the kids love of course. :) The kids had a ball and Chris and Braden even swam despite the coooooooooold water! So, back to the Noble curse....after boating all day we go to get in our car to go home and it won't start!! This is my car, not the tahoe. Really?!! Seriously?!?!!? I mean you have to laugh at this point. It turns out my headlights were left on and it killed the battery. My headlights are automatic so I would never think to check the manual switch but Mr. Braden was playing in my car while I was packing it for boating and had a little too much fun with all the buttons. :( So with a little help from the jumper cables, we were on our merry way. What a day! I'm sure this is only the beginning of the Noble boating fiascos!! :)
Brrrrrr, boys!
This was kind of like Ethan's first time boating again since he of course didn't remember last year. He was a little afraid of the loud motor and the wind at first, but then warmed right up. Having lots of snacks and drinks always helps with that!
i wanna ask u he was circumscised?
may i see his(the boy kid)pennis
y tu pilin donde esta
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