Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Eve

This year for New Year's, we wanted to be kind of low key and cheap. Christy was nice enough to host for us and several couples went over for some yummy fattening food (my favorite) and games. The favorite game of the night was the Dance one on Xbox. I'm not sure if I burned more calories dancing or laughing. ha! It's a ton of fun watching everyone. :) It was a fun adult night ringing in the new year. :)

Self portrait

The gals

Dancers practicing...ha!

Jenn shows her moves...:)

* I didn't take too many pictures and the ones I took are of people looking kind of funny dancing, including myself so we'll just leave those off.

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

glad you had an adult evening, but we missed you guys! happy new year!