Monday, May 21, 2012

5 year check up

Braden had his 5 year check up with Dr. Lane last week.  I was dreading this appointment because it meant the awful kindergarten shots. :(  We had talked about he shots for a good week and he said he was going to do his best not to cry. :(  I told him it was ok to cry but please don't scream your head off (a year ago he lost his mind over a penicillian shot and I'm sure half the town heard him).  He did great! 4 shots and just a few tears. He weighed in at 50 pounds (90th percentile) and 48" which I think he's actually taller than that but we'll take it (which was off the chart). Dr. Lane said, "typical Noble appointment...he's not even on the growth chart." ha! Thank you God for a big healthy boy!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

typical noble appointment...ha! way to be a big guy, braden!