Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas at Papa T & Mimi's

Every year on Christmas Eve "Eve" we have Christmas with Chris' dad and Mimi. So this morning we went to church and then headed over to their house for a big breakfast, presents and fun!  The boys and Izzie played so good together and the adults got to just sit around and watch them have fun. I love a good relaxing, lazy day. :)  Braden got his first really big lego set (494 pieces) and he was in Heaven! Ethan loved everything he opened. He loved the boxes before he saw what was inside. He would say, "cool" on everything....just super cute this year!  I love the ages they're at for Christmas!!!  I hope I can always remember and treasure these precious moments (as cheesy as that sounds).  I just LOVE this time of year!!! :)
They had some fun with the presents before it was actually time to open them. ha! 

They are too cute and just too big this year!! 
Braden was kissing and hugging his lego set. He was super excited and came home and started on it the second we walked in the door! 

Ethan loved his new Colts outfit and put it on right over his Christmas clothes. :) 
More fun stuff 

Izzie started reading the books we got her right away. She is awesome at reading!! 
Ethan so proud of his new outfit and Batman boots 
Braden started building his smaller Ninjago set right away at the table 
ha! Ethan and Izzie started enjoying their presents right away. A little book reading and "doctor." :) 
finished in no time at all! 
Todd, Izzie and Laura 
This momma sure is blessed!! 
All my loves. Ethan kept saying, "hold me like they did Izzie" (from above....ha!). 
The boys love their Papa T and Mimi 
Back at home tonight, Braden started building his big lego set the second we walked in the door. He's been at it a little over an hour and he's almost done doing it with zero help!  I think that's pretty good for a 5 year old! Not sure I could do it. ha!

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