Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter festivities

Easter is pretty much like Christmas around here.   My kids sure are spoiled blessed! :)  The first basket came on Saturday night when Papa T and Mimi stopped by. The kids got money, books and new underwear which is their favorite! ha!

Then after bed, our Easter bunny....oh me :) got our baskets together. They got a new summer outfit, a little lego set, a sticker book and bubble wand. 
Ethan was about half asleep when he came out of his room and saw his...he wasn't quite sure what was going on. Poor Braden had been up for an hour and I made him wait on his brother.  He literally sat by his basket waiting....mean  mommy! 
Digging in 
Ethan's first official lego set.  Of course his big brother was more than happy to help put it together for him. 
Then it was rush rush rush, get dressed and ready and out the door for church by 8:30.  My cutie patooties!  Where did the time go?!?! They are SOOO big. tear :(  
After church it was off to Chris' aunt Carma's house for their annual Easter lunch and fun. Granny and Carma always put on a big hunt and the eggs have money and candy! Oh and they got another basket of goodies..that's number 3 if you're counting. :)
After that, we ended at Gma Cindy and Pop's for more yummy food, more baskets and another fabulous egg hunt complete with candy, money oh and the golden eggs which turned into presents. These kids I tell ya....they are making out like bandits. :) 
Serious cuteness! Chris' brother's baby Stella was looking way too cute in her Easter outfit! Braden is looking pretty "Risky Business" with his new shades 
The  hunt was on...Braden not only wore his new glasses but his new flip flops. ha! 
Cute family!!!
*Thank you SO much to all of our family for such a fun Easter day!  You fed us and spoiled our children and we are very thankful! 

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