Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hubers, pumkin pickin' time!

On Monday we went to Huber's for our annual pumkin picking event.  I LOVE fall time and always look forward to all of the festivities....:) As many of you know, I take this same picture every year on the wagon of pumpkins.  I love looking  back and seeing the boys at different ages in the same picture.  They sure are big this year!!!

The Vaughns were picking pumpkins on the same night so we hooked up and had dinner together first. 
The wagon ride out to the patch 
Addi and Ethan thought the tractor exhaust was a little stinky! ha! 
Oh the pumpkin hunt....some are just SO heavy! :)  Addi helped Ethan find the perfect pumkin for "his size." :) 

I told Ethan to sit on a pumpkin so I could take some pictures and he totally posed like this with his hands under his chin. ha! I've never had him do that....he saw it somewhere. :) So cute!!! 

Braden fed the donkeys while wating on the wagon to pick us back up. 
The perfect pumpkins....until Braden dropped one on the concrete and it busted ...but ya know. :)  It's the moment that count. Hee hee!

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