Monday, July 5, 2010

The 4th of July

Last night we headed over to Sarah's for some yummy snacks and kid friendly fireworks. :) It seems like we saw (and heard) our fair share of fireworks this year without even having to go to a huge show! Sarah's neighborhood and ours was definitely all about the fireworks. Braden loved all of it and Ethan was a pretty big trooper. He did ok with most of them but was not a fan of the high pitched squealing ones...who is right? :) Thanks Travis & Sarah for having us over! We had so much fun!

Ethan made a new best friend...Moses was patiently waiting and hoping for any dropped cheerio.

My boys in their Patriotic (redneck) shirts. :)

It was SOOOO hot that Sarah got the sprinkler out...the kids loved it!

She even took a run through it with her fan club.

Braden trying out the poppers...he thought those were pretty cool. I'm sure they were made to be thrown barefoot-yikes!

Riley, Tyler, Braden, Meg & Katie watching the "pretty colors." They were so cute sitting on this blanket. They would watch each one, ooh and ahh and then clap and scream "yeahhhhh!!!".

Ethan got a little scared. Poor baby! I was feeling like mom of the year at this point.:(

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