Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blueberry Pickin'

On Wednesday we headed to Bryant's for our annual blueberry picking time. This is something we like to do each year. The first two years we went, we couldn't keep Braden from eating handfuls the whole time we were there. This year was a little different because I have such picky eaters. Braden ate a few and Ethan wanted nothing to do with them. ha! Both boys will devour the blueberry muffins I make with them though so that's good. The pickin' was slim this year due to the time of the day we went and being later in the season so it was truly a hunt but we managed to get a couple pounds. Ethan had fun running wild in this unforeseen forest :) and Braden worked hard to find all of the perfect "blue" blueberries and not the purple ones that weren't ripe yet. He was so good at helping!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

YUMMY!! braden look so old in that last picture!!