Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thunder Over Louisville

Yesterday we went down on the riverfront for Thunder Over Louisville. We had this really great spot on the 4th floor of a building so we got to be warm and cozy all day. We did venture out into the cold for a quick wagon walk with Jace, and at the end of the night to watch the fireworks. As you can see from the pictures of Braden, he pretty much was in "duh" zone by the time the show started. It was 1 1/2 hours past his bedtime and he was pretty zombied out. He kind of just stared at the sky and wondered what in the world we were doing there. Overall, it was a great day. Chris and I ate like pigs (oh and I guess Braden did too...from anyone who had a plate of food) and Braden got to run around this 4th floor building and try to stick his fingers in every vent, outlet, and in everyone else's stuff. Exploring, exploring!!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

it looks like you all had a great time. way to go, braden, staying up so late!