Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Big 4 Bridge

Today was one of those days that I just love!!! The weather was beautiful and we had the whole day wide open. :)  Chris was gone all day helping his friend at their lake house so we just played all day. We yard saled all morning since it was our neighborhood and the one next to us, and then headed over to walk the new Louisville walking bridge (for you out of stretches from Louisville across the river to Indiana and it's just for walkers, runners and bikers). 
 The kids loved being so high up and seeing the river. Braden loved passing the dog walkers the whole time (and wanted to pet every dog!! This poor boy needs a dog). We followed up with ice cream, playground time,naps at home for all and more outdoor time.  Love love love these days!!!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

That's fun. I've been up there but we've never taken the kids. I want to do that. Buy them a dog. It's a great addition to the family. We love our Reese! :)

the lewis gang said...

that is an day from a fairy tale...minus the princesses of course! we haven't been up there and are itchin to go!