This is hilarious!! You have to try this. If you go to, you can upload your picture and see yourself through the years. So here is Chris and my sexiness from the 50's on up. Are we hot stuff or what? I totally look like my mom in 1968 (that little flip out hairstyle that all of our moms had) and in 1974....well that WAS my hair all through high school!! Let me know which year you think Chris and I look the best in! 1952 1960 1970 1976 1978 1982 1988 1996
Today we went over to Chris' Dad's house for a cookout. Braden's little cousin Izzy was there too. They are only 5 weeks apart in age and they are so cute together. They had a blast splashing around in the pool, running through the sprinkler, and playing a little piano together. Of course, Braden also enjoyed eating everything in sight! There is a little dog and 2 cats at Papa and Mimi's that Braden can't get enough of. As soon as he is big enough to ask, this child is going to beg for a pet! We might have to compromise with a goldfish! Thanks Papa, Mimi, and Izzy for such a fun day. :)
Last night Braden got to try some painting for the first time. He actually liked it much more than I thought he would. I assumed he would flip paint everywhere and knock the water over instantly. He actually was really concentrating and into it. He loved dipping his paintbrush into the water, into the paint, and back into the water. He wasn't overly interested in actually putting paint on the page. Chris and I sat and watched him "paint" for 20 minutes! I told Chris, I could get out the paints everyday!! :) Today he helped me wash my car. It's always nice when your kids get big enough to help with the chores around the house, right? (Don't get any ideas Chris...he is not big enough to mow yet).
How do you like Braden's new fancy shirt? Pretty spiffy right? :) Well for all you smarties out there that figured it out, this isn't Braden. This is Chris when he was little! I'm not sure who Braden looks like!?!!?!
Since we do officially live in the "Burg" we decided to swing by Sellersburg Celebrates. I think we probably hold the world record for the quickest visit to a festival of all time. It was SO HOT tonight! We took a quick lap, let Braden ride the carousel, and he picked a duck for a prize. Of course he chose a ball as his prize-big shocker! On our way out, we stopped for a minute to watch the hot air balloons take off. Braden was mesmerized with it all. :)
Ready for school...Did you forget something buddy? Practicing the ROAR!!!! Beware! Grrrrrrrrrrr
Yesterday morning I was watching the news and they advertised for a huge consignment sale in Louisville. I'm not one to usually go to these kinds of things (I've been to one) but from now on, you can count me in! I'm on the mailing list! Braden and I found so many good deals. We bought 3 pairs of brand new pj's with the tags still on, cute Gap sweaters, some Janie and Jack cords (who can afford that store), a few other cute tops, 2 new toys, and my favorite purchases are above. I was excited to find a little Pottery Barn Kid's preschool backpack that looked brand new. :) I told Chris that since Braden is now a "big boy" and will be going to preschool with me, he might need his belongings (diapers) in a big boy bag....and it was just too cute to pass up. We also found this cute Gap lion Halloween costume. I'm loving the bargains. :)
"Airplane" "I'm going down." "I'm going up." "It's so fun to run through and get smacked in the face with water!" Just an ordinary day strolling through the park Braden had a blast going down this slide. "Look mom, I'm going to jump onto this and it is really dangerous and you won't like it! Watch me."
Today, Carrie and I took the boys over to Waterfront park for some playground and water fun. The boys had a great time running around the whole place. It wasn't too hot today so it was a perfect day for it. :)
Braden thought the goats were pretty cute, so cute in fact that he kept trying to release them by pulling up on the silver bar. Can you just see Chris and I chasing goats at the fair? How soon until he asks for one of these? We always have a rabbit in our backyard so he LOVES rabbits! Ahhhhh rabbit...I want to pat you.
Throwing money into the fountain is the best part of the fair for Braden. As soon as he throws one in, he says, "more." He already thinks money grows on trees! Braden last year in front of the fountain....he wasn't quite asking for money yet. Oh yes, the family portrait at the state fair. It's a framer! Ha! Another highlight of the day...Buster "the world's largest dog!" Chris was a little bummed that he wasn't a real dog, but Braden enjoyed the floppiness of him anyways. And then the carpet area looked so fun for Buster, that we just rolled around a bit on it. I'm sure it was recently vacuumed! :)
The fair was fun. Braden enjoyed seeing all of the animals and Chris and I, as always, realized we know NOTHING about farm animals! ("Is that a mule or a jack?" "What's a jack?" "That looks like a donkey." "Is that a duck or a goose?" "What's up with that cow?") And to think we are teachers!!!!!!