Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Braden's birthday

Braden's 5th birthday was our first day back to school after winter break. We made cookies for his class the night before in our makeshift kitchen. :) They didn't turn out very pretty but the kids ate them all the same.

These were supposed to be 5's and B's but the cookies expanded way too much. ha!

birthday morning....he picked waffles

Ethan enjoyed them too

At school, I snuck over to Braden's class while the kids sang to him. He was so proud. :)

Then they cheered his name. ha!

Since his party wasn't until the weekend, we had to do something special that night. He picked chic-fil a of course...it's always there or McDonalds for his favorites!

Then we headed over to Krispy Kreme for dessert. Oh my! He had never been in there and thought it was the greatest place on earth.

One happy birthday boy

Watching the glaze donuts being made...since we were watching they gave us 4 warm ones free. Oh my again! I had to eat them since they were free. Duh!

*Braden said it was the best birthday ever! ahhhh

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

AWESOME!! Happy birthday buddy! :) Great, great day!