Saturday, February 16, 2013

Braden's last basketball game

Today was Braden's last basketball game of the season. It's been a bit of a rough season for us just because Braden hasn't exactly loved it and he seemed so behind in skills compared to his teammates...therefore never touched the ball (literally!). :(  It was kind of sad on a mommy's heart to watch really because no one would ever pass him the ball and he really wasn't aggressive enough to get a rebound so he just kind of ran back and forth. 
 However today being the last game...Chris put the bribery on and told him if he could get two rebounds he could keep his Redbox Wii game for another day. ha!!  Well can you believe that's all it took?!?!!?  This child played his heart out even diving for a ball. I was very proud of how hard he played and he was proud of himself!  After the game he said, "I liked that and think I want to play more now."  Poor buddy just needed a chance to touch the ball and get in there to enjoy it. Next time we'll start the bribery earlier!  Parenting at its best!!
Ethan loves playing ball behind he bleachers. :) 
This is so blurry but Walker, Braden's little buddy was guarding him. They were cracking up trying to defend each other. :) 
Ethan hanging with his new buddies 

Way to get in there Buddy!  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!!  You always did your best and had a good attitude. :)

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Whatever works! Nice job Buddy! :)