Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ethan at preschool!

One day last week we were all running so behind for preschool. It was a grumpy morning where I couldn't get the boys rolling or even myself. After drivng about 2 miles from home I even realized I hadn't brushed my teeth (ewwww!) which has never happened so I drove back home. By this point, I just decided to take Ethan to school with me. After all, he says every single day, "I go school with Mommy" and it breaks my heart to drop him off at the sitters after that comment. :( He had an absolute blast!!! Such a big boy! I figured he'd do a lot of dumping and making messes but he totally surprised me! He loved playing, snack time of course and his favorite was probably the singing at dancing at carpet time. :)

Showing me the elephants he was playing with....with his famous cheese

He was pretty good at the sensory table scooping out pom poms

Pretty darn cute doing all the big boy/girl songs and dances. Love it!

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