Friday, October 18, 2013

Outdoor movie night

Tonight was our annual outdoor fall movie night.  I think this is our 5th year doing it. :)  We always start with hayrides and then show It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown on the garage door. The kids love eating popcorn and drinking hot cocoa and then settling in for the movie....sure feels like fall being outside all bundled up in the evening. Love it!  We had a huge turnnout even with many families still on fall break.  We had 37 kids and 68 total. Yowzers that's a lot! :)  Thankfully all went well, everyone was safe and we had fun!
The boys were SOO ready for the guests to arrive. Braden asked a million times...."how much longer?"  Sheesh!  Here they are at the craft tables. We had pumpkin color sheets and Halloween sticker crafts for the early guests. 

Chris getting the popcorn going with his little helper. :) 
This year we collected hats and mittens for kids in New Albany that will need them with this chilly weather.  We are taking them to Fairmont Elementary.  So glad we get to do this for kids that will really need them! 
Chris has always wanted to do apple bobbing...I always say, "brrrr and yucky germs!" ha!! Well this year he decided to do it and the kids did love it! I've never seen so many kids eating apples in my life. :)  I guess we should throw some more veggies and fruit in a bucket of water around here and see what happens. :) 

The hayrides begin 
The hats and gloves started filling up the bucket 
More apples 
and hayrides

Coloring friends 
All snuggled up and ready for the movie 

Movie time! 

and a few more snacks after the movie :) 
Ethan and his buddy Nate from school :) 
Hard to tell from this picture, but the whole bucket is full of really cute hats and glove sets for our friends at Fairmont Elementary.  Thanks to everyone for helping!!  It's amazing how just giving a little per family really adds up to this and will make a big difference to some little ones.  Awesome!

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