We are having a great time in Destin. It's day 2 and I've already taken 90 pictures!! Here are a few from the beach. The first time Braden hit the beach he was a little scared, but after a few minutes he got used to it and loved it. He sat in one spot in the sand and played with his shovels and buckets forever! Chris and I were worried he would want to run off the entire time, but I guess he thinks the sand is rough terrain and he doesn't go too far. :) Today we went to the water park, "The Big Kahuna." Braden loved running through the sprinklers and playing in this boat with water dripping down everywhere. He lets the water just squirt him right in the face, runs away from it, and then runs back into it....over and over again. Chris and I tried to feel young and hit all of the big slides. We both feel a little sore and beat up tonight! You hit 30 and it's all over! Stay tuned....more pictures to come. :)
quem quer comprar carne de 1ª qualidade é favor de me contactar...vendemos carne fresca do sudoeste asiático.Carne tenra e fresca ( ainda menores)de primeira mão, sem doenças contaminadas, algumas ainda usa fraldas....vitório é prova de qualidade. também tenho bom vinho, da terra do meu avô, loucor beirão acompanhado com o chouriço português do meu avô...ainda tenho pra vender os meus tomates, ainda virgens e frescas...acompanha de suco bem doce...pois confeço que tenho diabetes, ainda vendo em saldos bananão bem grande de de marca tiu monte, acreditam que nunca virão banana tão grande e rígida, também acompanhada de suco que é especialidade da casa...não esqueçam que também tenho chourição (dos grandes)à venda e tão boa qualidade que até se vibram...fazemos entregas ao domicílio...para terminar apresento-vos o meu chouricao de burro, directamente do meu quintal sempre de melhor qualidade, e garanto-vos quevao ficar mais espertos depois de comer chouricao de burro
i love the pics!! it looks like you guys are having a blast!!
Looks like you all are having a great time! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics! Have some fun for us!
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