Saturday, May 23, 2009

Busy Saturday!

We had a fun filled family day on Saturday. We started off the morning hitting a few neighborhood yard sales. This is starting to become a hit with us and I think Chris' parents are rubbing off on us! :) This week we found a sand table with a lid for $2, a shopping cart for preschool for $2, several cars and toys, and the best find was this junior golf set. It was $10 and came with drivers, a putter, a nice bag, and the bag even stands up! Too cute. Chris was so excited about his find that he thought he'd start practicing with the next Tiger Woods (ha!) right away.

Then we headed to the strawberry festival for a bit and on to Huber's for lunch. Braden always loves sitting on the fake animal outside of the restaurant.

After Huber's, we came home to begin sorting the playground equipment. I would say, "some assembly required!" OH MY!!!!!!! It took Chris and I about 2 hours just to get everything out of the boxes and into piles and then another 2 hours to label each pile. I would have quit at that point so good thing Chris is into this stuff. Then he began building.

1 comment:

ame said...

HA! Tell Chris Doug feels his pain with the playset. That is exactly what our garage looked like!