Saturday, June 6, 2009

Yard sale goodies!

I am loving these huge Saturday subdivision yard sales! Chris and I are never really looking for anything specific but it's always fun to find great toys that are so cheap (because we need more toys?!?!?!). Braden already loves yard sales and thinks it's Christmas at every house we stop at. My exciting finds for this weekend are this great tool bench above. We actually already had one, but this one was better and such a great deal. It came with so many battery operated tools that make lots of cool noises and the tool bench itself has a flip shelf so you can work on the top part with screws or flip it and work on a car motor. Ha! We got everything for $10. Love it! Since Braden is OBSESSED to the point of needing an intervention with the CARS movie, we also found several more cars to add to his "collection." Would you seriously look at this table of cars? Could we fit a few more on there? He loves them and sleeps with one each night. Here is a little video of him naming some of his favorites.

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