Monday, January 4, 2010

Braden's birthday party

Yesterday we celebrated Braden's birthday with a Buzz Lightyear party. He was actually obsessed with CARS all year and just recently became obsessed with "Buzz." I wonder what will be next? :) He had a great time at his party playing with family & friends, eating cake, cookies, and more cake, and of course getting tons of presents! Thank you SO much to everyone that came!! Braden is one lucky boy to have so many loved ones!!

We had a taco bar but Braden just wanted "Chips and dip" of course. :)

Getting ready to light the candles...getting a cheese out of this kid is hard these days....this is as good as it gets and I'll take it!

Braden sang right along with us...even "happy birthday to Braden!"

Enjoying cake with cousins Austin & Colton

Ethan wishing Braden a happy birthday. It's neat to think that last year at Braden's party I was pregnant with Ethan but didn't know it until a few days later. :)

The presents...oh the presents! This was a Beatles shirt

A Cars tent to go on his bed...I wonder if that will give mom some quiet time-hee hee

Some new undies!

Buzz lightyear PJS!

The boys loved this big semi

Attempt #87 for a family photo where we are all looking and not whining...better luck next time
*A few of the party-goers
Papa Scott
Matt & Lexi playing with Ethan
Carrie getting some snuggly baby time in...might be time for another! :)

Papa T enjoying Braden's new hat and guitar-Ha!

Cousin Izzie-Braden gave everyone a hug (with a little persuasion) after he opened each present...he didn't stay long, but he did it so I was proud.

Gma Cindy


Sarah & Travis
Hugs for Papa Bob
Thanks everyone!! We had so much fun! Thanks mom for taking pictures...too bad you didn't take a self portrait so I have one of you. :)

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

happy birthday buddy!!! glad you had a great day! :)