Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter lunch at Carma's

After church we headed to Chris' aunt Carma's for more Easter fun and a huge yummy meal! Chris' uncle is a police officer. He gave the boys a ride in his car and let them do the siren. They LOVED it! I told them it better be the only time they are in that type of car. ha!
The whole family was watching them go up the road and back and all of a sudden the car was going back and forth through the fields. ha! Merle let Ethan steer the whole way back to the house. It was hilarious to see a cop car swerving all over the road with the siren going off. :)
Time for the hunt...with cousin Izzie

The boys love their Papa T.
Checking out their loot! These kids find money in their eggs! Not sure I remember that from being a kid. ha!
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There was lots of land to drive all the vehicles. Ethan loved cruising with Izzie in her cool ride!

Finally the boys did some fishing. This was one of those ponds where Chris could catch one after the other which is perfect for kids of course. He and Ethan caught probably 10 fish. Ethan loved it but didn't want to touch them. :) What a fun, fun day! Thanks Granny and Carma for hosting!!

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