Sunday, June 24, 2012

Big Boy Bed!

It was time to move little Mr. Ethan to a big boy bed.  Like I said, he's been able to climb in and out for a long time but really doesn't much-unless he wants a toy. :)  But with a yard sale approaching and summer giving us some time, I thought it'd be the perfect time to do it. His crib became a full bed so we gave that to Braden since it's so high off the ground. Ethan moved to Braden's room where the theme was already his favorite-sports.  :) It worked out perfectly. I still want to paint Braden's furniture and walls but for now, it actually all matches.

Braden's new room 

 Ethan's new room
 He slept like a champ! No issues.  We started him in his big boy bed on June 11th and he still hasn't got out of bed. He calls for us to get up in the morning. Love that boy!!! Hope it lasts. :)

1 comment:

Dan and Denise said...

Wow! Great that Ethan doesn't get out of bed without permission! I hope he keeps that up . . . for your sake.