Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

Despite all the anticipation of rain, we had a fabulous weekend at Rough River staying with the Vaughn's. I was afraid it would rain all weekend long, but we actually boated 3 days dodging the few showers we actually got. It was a fun, relaxing weekend.  We got to eat a ton (as usual), learn some new tricks wakeboarding (and didn't break our neck) and just relax not being home. Love those kind of weekends. 
Chris managed to drive the boat and snap some pictures of me wakeboarding...what a talent! :)

Ethan is quite the boat driver these days...and into some new crazy faces. :)

Braden is just BIG these days...looks big, acts big-all of it.  Kindergarten just grew my little boy right up!!

Ethan loves to wakeboard...of course from the safety of land.

Jackson became an expert wakeboarder this weekend! 

Addi looking all cute with her wind blown hair. :)

Braden actually got up on the wakeboard this weekend and went for a bit.  I cannot believe my 5 year old is doing this.  What will these kids being doing in a few years?!? Wow! Way to go buddy!
I'm just loving this watersport. Forget skiing....this is way more fun (and slightly more scary. ha!)

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Agree!! I love wakeboarding! Way to go Braden!! :)