Sunday, September 23, 2012

Special Date Night with my Boy!

Braden has been doing such an awesome job at school this year!  His teacher says he is sooo good and an example for others. I tell ya, I was worried sick this summer and I'm so grateful and thankful and relieved and...and...(many more adjectives) just overjoyed that he is doing so well! 
On Thursday he came home and told me he was the new "lunch captain" for his class.  I told him that was awesome and assumed they all took turns doing this. Well when I went into his class Friday his teacher told me she had a talk with the whole class about good and bad lunchroom behavior and asked who would be a good monitor for the class because they do a good job and guess who they picked?!?! My child!!  I seriously almost cried (really had tears in my eyes and had to look away because I was embarrased. ha!).  So not only is my child good but he has friends!! ha!  Only a mommy's heart can understand the joy that this moment brings. :0  SOOOOO, we had to celebrate all of his good behavior at school since the start.
So we had ourselves a little date night.  First up dinner at Quiznos....
Then Finding Nemo in 3D (which was so good. I had never seen this movie for some reason???) 
Then a dilly bar from Dairy Queen to end the night. So proud of you big boy!!  Since Ethan wasn't going to hang through a whole movie, he and Chris had a guy's night on their own and went 4 wheeling. :)


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

WOW! Way to go Buddy! :)

the lewis gang said...

way to go braden! i know that makes your heart feel so good!!! :)