Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My little big 3 year old!

So how did this happen?!!?! How did my little last baby already turn 3? It really, truly just goes way too fast!  Ethan are now 3 and mommy is a little sad that you're so big and going to school now.  You're not a baby, not a toddler but now a preschooler. sniff sniff
You make your daddy and I laugh so much. You have a spunky personality and definitely do what you feel. If you feel like dropping a squat and pretend to wakeboard in the middle of a store, you do it. If you feel like throwing the world's largest temper, you do that too. ha!  You are a strong willed little guy just like your big brother (thanks a lot daddy...we're blaming that one on you! ). Even with the fits, the determination, and the not listening that you bring right now, I wouldn't trade your personality for the world. You are also the sweetest, most cuddly little boy when you're in the mood. Just tonight, you came up to me 3 times during your dinner just to hug and kiss me then went back and ate your dinner. Talk about melting a momma's heart. 
You are really into boating, swimming and anything watersport related. You love your boats, cars, airplanes and anything that goes right now. You're starting soccer and love all things sports. You LOVE to be outside and get everything out of the garage to ride...especially your gator which you ride all over and very well. You love your "big school" and your teachers.  You're not much into eating at all. You love "wogurt, and more wogurt, and can I have another wogurt" all day long! You could live off yogurt! You also love cookies of course and ask for those the second you wake up. "I have cookie mommy....5 cookies?"  I mean like everyday! 
You love your "Bubby" but pretty much knock down or mess up whatever he is working on. ha! There are some sweet moments between the two of you at times, but right now you're not really on the same playing field but I know it's coming soon. You love your "siends" (friends) and love going to your grandparents.  You just love people in general, when you're not feeling embarrased. You follow little old ladies out of the YMCA or grocery store and try to go to their cars weekly. :)  You love to make silly faces, especially when we're reading books and your imitate the faces in the book.
Academically you can sing your ABC's, count to 16, know most of your colors and can sing the Pontoon song pretty well (ha!! popular one on the radio and your favorite of course).
I could go on and on about your silly little personality. I just hope I've taken enough pictures (surely I have) and enough videos of you and Braden to always be able to remember you at each age.  I treasure you at this very age, the good and the challenging moments. :)  We sure love you Ethan!! Happy birthday!
Just a little squirt then and now big boy going to school. 

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