Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Year's Eve

Blogger has not been working lately so I'm just now updating from New Year's. ha!  Kate and Matt had a party and invited us over for some fun.  The Thomas' brought some "minute to win it" games and we were not short on the laughs. Oh my!! :)  Such a fun night!
Us girls kept trying to pose for one picture and Chris kept taking them at all these weird angles like he was a photographer. :)  We were cracking up and then would view the picture and we'd all say it was a bad angle and we looked yuck so he'd try again. We finally took the one below where Stephanie held out her arm (self portrait). That was our favorite since it showed the least amount of us. ha!
Missy trying to stack the boxes for one game. This was hard!
Me trying to suck air through this wrapping paper tube to keep the ornamnet on the bottom attached and move across the room. I couldn't quit laughing so of course was terrible at it!
Then Chris taught us one he does at Scribner where you start with a cookie on your forehead and have to move it to your mouth with only using your face muscles. I was dying laughing at everyone!!

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

I LOVE Minute to Win It! Fun party!!