Saturday, January 8, 2011

Playdate birthday party

On Friday we had Braden's birthday playdate at preschool. We wanted to do a little something with friends and thought school might be a little more fun than just our basement. We had mostly my bunco girls and their kiddos come and we had a great time! Thanks so much to all our friends that could make it...and for all the sick ones, we missed you and hope you are feeling better!!
Carson, Alivia and Addi working some puzzles
Ethan loves to be at preschool. He just walks around and plays like he's big stuff!

Braden had fun playing too but wanted to move things along because he wanted presents and was having a hard time waiting! :)

We got in a little dancing...nice moves kiddos!

Of course teacher me had to have a craft. We had Mr. Potato heads to put together to go with the toy story theme.

Then onto cupcakes...I made alien cupcakes for the toy story theme but the antennae was a sour apple licorice. Braden had tried the licorice the day before and was then convinced he didn't like the entire cupcake. Sheesh! So as the other children enjoyed their cupcakes and Braden skipped out on his. Good thing I made those. ha!


Finally, onto presents!

Hugs for Carson for his great present. :)
*Thanks to our friends that made it a special day for Braden!

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

you made those cupcakes???? tracy, i'm impressed!!!