Monday, May 21, 2012

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day was perfect! Chris made me a big yummy breakfast of thick scrumptious french toast. Yummo! Then I got my present which was a sweet card from the boys and a Keurig.  I had told Chris that I tried one at church the previous week and I thought it was pretty neat. He took the hint well. :)  Funny story about it...Chris took the boys with him to Kohls to buy it. He tried to throw Braden off and told him they got me boots. So that night tucking Braden into bed he said "Mom, I really want to tell you what we got you." I kept saying no Braden, dont' tell me.  He said it started with a B...then ended up saying he had to tell me it was boots???? So for a day I thought, "boots? in the spring? hmmmm" something seemed fish.  Then on the way to school one morning he said, "Mom I don't know why Daddy got you boots in a coffee box?" ha!!!!!!!! Then I knew. :)
 Check out Ethan's hands!

A perfect gift! :) Thanks Babe!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

boots in a coffee box!! ha ha ha!!!

the lewis gang said...

you are a blessed momma! and you look so tan!!! i'm jealous! :)