Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Breakfast with Santa

Every year we attend a breakfast with Santa with Papa T & Mimi. It is seriously the cutest little event. There is yummy food, games for the kids, a santa shop, scavenger hunt and of the course the big guy in the red suit. This is the first year Ethan has loved Santa! He is all about him! He just chats it up with him everytime we see him. Crack me up! He actually cried going to school one morning this week because he wanted to go to the north pole. ha!!!!  Love a 3 year old and Christmas. :)
I CANNOT get enough of Ethan's new pose with his hands on his hips. :) 
Braden is looking way big on Santa's lap these days! 
Ethan just chatting it up with Santa 

Ethan loved all the characters just like Braden did at this age. He wanted his picture with each of them just like Braden at age 2 or 3-funny boys! 
Ethan sat still forever to get Santa painted on his cheek. I was impressed. 

Thanks Papa T and Mimi for a fun morning!

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