Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our first snow of the season

As my parents get plummeted up north with a full blown blizzard, we stepped outside today to enjoy our half inch of snow. ha! The boys were ready to get out there. I love how the whole process of getting ready with layers, coats, hats and gloves takes 20 minutes and you're outside for 5! ha!  Our faces were soooo cold with the wind. The boys got out the sled and had Chris pull them around the yard....a little redneck sledding. :)
snow angel time! 

Pure sexy! 

hot cocoa time!


the lewis gang said...

yes! the epic snowfall!! haha! hoping for some real stuff tonight!!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

I am praying for a blizzard!! My kids are itching to get outside!!!!!