Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lake Monroe

When Chris drove up for the wedding he brought the boat so we got to take it out on Lake Monroe Sunday while still in town. My mom, dad, niece, and Cassidy all got to come so it was great for me to get that time to visit with everyone at the same time.

My dad tubing. I was afraid Chris was going to kill him! Dad had to be "cool" though and tell Chris to go faster while I yelled, "Chris, slow down!" Dad, I'm sure you're still sore from this one! :)

Braden had a blast dunking Dad in the lake. They swam forever!

It was so nice having my mom on the boat because I didn't have to hold Ethan the whole time. She was a huge help!

My niece, Alissa & Cassidy working on their tans

1 comment:

the lewis gang said...

wow! your niece looks just like you!!!