Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Random tidbits

It's crazy how much height difference there is between the boys...I'm predicting in a few years this won't be the case. :)

Braden likes to wear his goggles in the tub. Ha!

Ethan's 9 month picture. It is getting harder to get him not to grab the bear! On another note, Ethan turning 9 months also brought a nasty double ear infection. Since Braden's never had one, I am totally new to this. This poor baby, he's had 5 days of amoxicillin, 3 days of omnicef, and now 3 shots of rotoseph (sp) and one ear is still infected!! It looks like he could be heading down the tubes road but I hope not. Through all of this, he has been as happy as he can be! I didn't even know his ears were bothering him. He is such a trooper!

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

poor guy!!! those things have to hurt!!

p.s. sam LOVES goggles too!! ha ha!