Saturday, September 10, 2011

My baby is two!!

Somehow, someway my baby turned two today!! I really thought time flew with Braden but it just flashed by with Ethan! I think in the hustle bustle of each day these babies just grow up on you so fast! Tear :(

Anyways, Ethan is two today and I am so, so in love with this child!! He has the sweetest, funniest and feistiest little personality! He absolutely cracks me up right now! I love all of his new phrases he comes up with each day. I find myself saying, "did he just say that?" Their vocab just explodes at this age and I love hearing each new little word. I love the way he can't say his "s's" so he wants a "poon" to eat and a "nack" to eat. It is too cute in that little voice! I love the way he says "bubby" for Braden and he's so excited to see him and was so sad when we dropped him off at school last week. I love the way he says "poop and butt" when he's gone to the bathroom with that confused look on his face! (yep just got a potty seat out today).

Ethan is a busy body and rarely sits and plays. Instead, he kind of tornadoes around the house wearing everyone's shoes, carrying purses, wearing hats and costumes, dragging toys, Tupperware, remote controls...anything he can find from room to room. :) He is right on top of me whether I'm sitting on the toilet or trying to make lunch, he is literally on my feet. Not complaining though because soon he'll be off in his room playing forever and I'll miss it. He loves to "play" with Braden and wants to be big. Of course he makes a mess with the legos or little figurines Braden is setting up and so Braden gets mad and I'm pretty sure that makes Ethan want to mess them up more. ha! Brotherly love!

He loves Barney videos and mimics what the kids do in the videos. He tries to sing the I love you song and the clean up song. He loves choo-choos and gets excited when he sees a real choo choo or a toy train. He loves balls and is actually very athletic and coordinated for a two year old. He's quite the little batter and can throw and catch a ball really well. For the longest time now, when we drive through a subdivision, he pretends to shoot a ball if he sees a basketball goal and says "shoot the ball" which sounds more like "sh*t the ball" ha! He loves bath time and makes a gigantic mess of the entire bathroom with water trying to splash and swim. He loves brushing his teeth but mostly when he does it, "ME DO!" and tries to eat the toothpaste container.

I just love Ethan's squishy little face and those squinty eyes when he really gets laughing...:) we are still trying to figure out who he really looks like. He is such a big, big boy but still has that baby pudge and those baby dimples in his hands. :( I don't want him to lose that. He's just a snuggley little fella that you could squeeze and eat right up! I love the way he runs and says "mommy" and "daddy" with such enthusiasm and love when we pick him up or get home. It just melts your heart! I just love the way he runs in general with his arms straight down by his sides and the way he stands with his hands behind his back when he's checking something out or waiting.

We love you to pieces Ethan Christopher!! You make mommy, daddy and Braden (most of the time) so happy! You entertain us and keep us on our toes. You are two and SO very two right now!! I'm pretty sure my hands are full but I'm going to try to treasure each two year old moment with you! We are so blessed that God gave us you, a big healthy boy with a big personality! We love you buddy! Happy birthday!!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

very sweet!!! Happy birthday Ethan!! :)

the lewis gang said...

can't believe he is two!!!! holy moly when did that happen?

the lewis gang said...

happy birthday, ethan!!!

the lewis gang said...

happy birthday, ethan!!!