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Ahhhhhh snakes!!!!!!
So you saw that HUGE, nasty snake we saw on the lake last weekend right? I am so creeped out by snakes I can just get the willies even thinking about them! Ughhhhhhhh! Well Friday night Chris goes outside about 9:30 at night and comes back to the door and tells me to come here with a smile on his face. I'm thinking, "what?" Well right in front of our driveway in our street was this!!!! Seriously!?!?!? What is going on? It's not like we live in the country! I have never seen a snake on the lake and I have certainly never seen a snake in our neighborhood let alone just chillin' like this right by my mailbox. I texted my neighbor and made her come on her porch in her pjs and look. We stood on her porch freaking out amd giggling while Chris examined it. :) So this part is really mean so if you are a Peta person you better log out now. :) Chris was like, "what do you want me to do with it?" I was undecided because the thing wasn't hurting anybody but really, this sucker was huge and our kiddos play in the yards and driveway everyday!! Deanna and Chris made the executive decision that maybe he would "accidentally" run over it! Well I went in the house because I couldn't watch and couldn't really support this move but then again couldn't support leaving it. I heard Chris' truck take off fast and then stop. I yelled out the door, "did you get it?" Chris said he was 100% positive he hit it but then couldn't find it!?!! So now I'm really freaking out thinking he's got away, he's mad, and he's probably in my garage right now since the door was open. Sheesh! So Deanna and I text some more about how the thing is in our house etc...etc...and then I go to bed thinking about the thing all night long! Thankfully the next day, Deanna called me and said she thought she spotted it by her electrical box but she wasn't going over there and if Chris could kindly remove it that would be great. So he went over and it was there, dead, and he carried it away with a shovel. So that's my 2nd snake story of the week and I hope it's my last. I am way too girly for these snakes to be where I can see them. I know they exist but I liked it better when they were out of sight out of mind. :)
always go with the shovel option! it works everytime. the only good snake, in my opinion, is one with my shovel separating his head from the rest of his body!
OMG!!!! i cannot believe you saw another one!!!! not too much bothers me but i HATE snakes!!
I'm not a big fan of snakes, but poor guy. Well, Tracy you won't want to come over to our house in the summer. We have a black snake that comes out of the corn field sometimes and suns himself in our back yard. He will leave anytime he hears us. Since he respects our rules we allow him to sun himself when we're not outside. :) BTW I would have been freaked out by the one in the water.
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