Saturday, June 11, 2011

All blogged out!

Holy Moley I need to blog more often because I keep getting too backed up! Who knew blogging could be a full time job? ha! We are one busy family!! Sometimes when I get the camera out I think, "I guess I'll have to blog this" so then I don't even take pictures so I don't have to blog it?!?!? That's a little crazy right? As time consuming as it can be, I'm so glad I do it to have a record of all of our memories! I know time is going to fly by with these boys and I need to enjoy every moment and try to capture it as best I can. So even though I am all blogged out tonight, I am so thankful for blogging! :)

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Oh my goodness! I totally do that! "I'm not taking a picture then I'll have to blog it!" ha ha ha!!